
Responsible for the content is the owner and publisher of these pages:

International Brand Hospitality Austria GmbH
Handelskai 269, 1020 Vienna, Austria

Company register number: FN 80382 I
Company register court: Handelsgericht Wien

Phone.: +43 1 727 77

Economic Chamber VAT number: ATU16170104
Purpose of the company: hotel
Member of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Commerce Vienna, tourism and leisure industry division, hotel industry specialist group
Professional law: trade regulations, available at
Supervisory authority/commercial authority: Municipal District Office

Consumers have the opportunity to submit complaints to the EU’s online dispute resolution platform:

You can also address any complaints to the email address provided above.

Text, images, videos and graphics are protected by copyright and other applicable laws unless indicated otherwise.
Text: © OXBO Vienna Waterfront
Photos: © OXBO Vienna Waterfront; © Florence Stoiber
Videos: © OXBO Vienna Waterfront; © Lieb.Ich Productions

Although every care has been taken to ensure their suitability, no liability is accepted for external links. Responsibility for content published on third-party websites rests exclusively with the operators of those sites.

Concept, Design and implementation:
INCONCEPTS Kreativ- & Digitalagentur Wien